5 de agosto de 2010


The paved streets of Alphaville - São Paulo - Brazil, were the scene of another downhill inline skating day of Morcegos Patins Clube.

Lots of fun and adrenaline filled the hearts of all rollerskaters who ventured down the hill. Even those who did not put rollerskates on, enjoyed the fun.

The warm up began at the ''Tobogã'' and as we are crazy for adventures, soon we went to other slopes, such as ''Big Drop'' and ''Cascudo''.

We had some friends who taped the activities during the day and after an extraordinary video edition of Marcelo Kobayashi, the final result is awsome! See below:

In a perfect and sunny day, with cheerful friends, some towing, and people helping out with taping, we could have a blast and the day was really special!

If you are a lover of rollerskating and want to come and join us, you are more than welcome! We are always searching for new friends and adventure buddies.

See you in the next downhill day!

Take care you all!!


oi gente... faz um tempao q não leio ou vejo voces, patinava no ibira mas tive uns problemas e quero, agora q estou voltando me juntar a voces, dá????
Beijao, continuem no role, isso inspira!!!

postado por Blogger Grazzie : 25 de agosto de 2010 às 12:07  

Oi Grazzie, bora patinar! Já conhece os dias e horários correto? Aos domingos, durante o dia no Parque Villa Lobos e de noite no Parque do Ibirapuera. Bjos.

postado por Blogger Unknown : 4 de setembro de 2010 às 18:34  

Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

postado por Blogger Unknown : 4 de setembro de 2010 às 18:34  

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